Murine RNase Inhibitor

This product is available on request. Please contact us.

Murine RNase Inhibitor is used for inhibition of RNases in RNA synthesis.



This recombinant protein specifically inhibits RNases A, B and C by binding noncovalently in a 1:1 ratio with high affinity. It shows no inhibition to polymerase activity when used in presence of polymerases like Reverse Transcriptase. Concentration is 40 U/µl.

  • REF
  • Pack Size

  • 10304-20K
  • 500 μl/20 kU

  • 10304-100K
  • 2.5 ml/100 kU

  • 10304-1M
  • 25 mL/1 MU

In-vitro Transcription (IVT) of mRNA for synthesis of therapeutics and/ or vaccines.

If you have any questions about this product or need this product customized, please contact us.

For a IVT ready-to-use solution we recommend the Co-transcription Kit.
