This product is available on request. Please contact us.

BspQI is a endonucelase used in linearization of plasmid DNA for mRNA synthesis.



BspQI linearizes the template before In-vitro transcription in RNA synthesis. The enzyme has a concentration of 10 U/µl.

Restriction Enzyme Cut Site: GCTCTTC(1/4)

  • REF
  • Pack Size

  • 10201-0.5K
  • 50 μl/ 500 U

  • 10201-2.5K
  • 250 μl/2.5 KU

  • 10201-10K
  • 1 ml/ 10 KU

In-vitro Transcription (IVT) of mRNA for synthesis of therapeutics and/ or vaccines.

If you have any questions about this product or need this product customized, please contact us.

For a IVT ready-to-use solution we recommend the Co-transcription Kit.
