Raw Materials for PCR

Polymerases - PCR 2.0 by BIORON

Various enzymes for production in different conzentrations and spezifications, e.g. as a high concentrated (HC) and glycerol free (GF) variants, which are suitable for lyophilization.

Customised variants are available on request!

Reverse Transkription - Reverse is easy

Our One Tube One Step Reverse Transcription & PCR Master Mix already contains everything needed.

You prefer it classy?
BIORON has the 2-step solution for your Reverse Transcription setup.

Master Mixes - Don't need no luck!

Ultimate Master Mixes for fast and easy PCR setup.

Ready to use and already containing: BIORON Polymerases, Optimized reaction buffer, dNTPs and Magnesium salts.

Customized Production

BIORON is experienced in supplying ready-to-use solutions for professionals, i.e. high concentrated polymerases for lyophilisation. If you have any questions or need products customized, please contact us. We are glad to be of assistance!
