RealLine HSV-1/ HSV-2

This product is available on request. Please contact us.

The RealLine HSV-1 / HSV-2 kit is intended for the detection and differentiation of HSV-1 DNA and HSV-2 DNA in human samples by Real-Time PCR. The kit is designed for in vitro diagnostics and provides qualitative detection.

All components are lyophilized and ready-to use.

GLU – for General Lab Use

REF: N/A Categories: ,


HSV-1 is an oral form of herpes, which typically affects the mouth and surrounding areas on the face. In addition HSV-1 can cause encephalitis, keratoconjunctivitis, stomatitis and skin infections. Transmission generally occurs through saliva and rarely through sex contact.
HSV-2 causes most cases of genital herpes as well as the neurological manifestations such as meningitis and radiculitis. Pregnant women and infants are risk groups for HSV infections, since when infants do contract neonatal herpes, they may suffer serious neurological damage, mental retardation or death. In addition HSV-2 is known to increase a person’s risk of contracting HIV.

Sample Material

  • Blood serum, plasma
  • Swabs of epithelial cells
  • Tissue fluid
  • Erosive-ulcerative skin lesions
  • Cerebrospinal fluid
  • Semen
  • Prostatic fluid
  • Bronchoalveolar lavage
  • Whole blood
  • Urine

Detection Channels

  • FAM (495 – 520 nm) for Internal Control (IC)
  • HEX (535 – 554 nm) for HSV-1 DNA
  • ROX (575 – 602 nm) for HSV-2 DNA

For optimal results please always use the RealLine Internal Control. In case you do not use RealLine Extraction kits, order RealLine Internal Control (REF VBC8881-R) seperately.


In Str-format kits the Ready-Mastermix is lyophilized and prepared in 0.2 ml white tubes arranged in a plate. For the preparation the respective number of tubes can be easily cutted.  50 µl of extracted DNA/RNA have to be pipetted to the tubes, close the tubes with PCR- foil or caps and run the test. The tubes are medium-profile tubes and fit to RealLine Cyclers, BIO-RAD cyclers and others.

RealLine Cycler 48 or RealLine Cycler 96 (BIORON GmbH)

CFX96, iQ5 iCycler (Bio-Rad, USA)

DT96, DTLite (DNA-Technology, Russia)

Our kits are compatibel to other Real-Time cyclers. Please read the IFU properly and ask us for recommendations of device settings!

Additional information

Additional information

RealLine HSV-1/ HSV-2

Fla, Str
