RealLine HCV quantitative

This product is available on request. Please contact us.

The RealLine HCV quantitative Kit is intended for the sensitive detection of Hepatitis-C Virus and the determination of the viral load by quantification.

GLU – for General Lab Use



Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) is a public health concern worldwide and a major cause of chronic liver inflammation, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. The Hepatitis C virus is transmitted parenterally, showing a high incidence in hemophiliacs hemodialysis patients, injecting drug users and patients with post-transfusion hepatitis.

Detection channels

  • FAM (495 – 520 nm) for Internal Control
  • ROX (575 – 602 nm) for HCV cDNA

For optimal results please always use the RealLine Internal Control. In case you do not use RealLine Extraction kits, order RealLine Internal Control (REF VBC8881-R) seperately.


In Str-format kits the Ready-Mastermix is lyophilized and prepared in 0.2 ml white tubes arranged in a plate. For the preparation the respective number of tubes can be easily cutted.  50 µl of extracted DNA/RNA have to be pipetted to the tubes, close the tubes with PCR- foil or caps and run the test. The tubes are medium-profile tubes and fit to RealLine Cyclers, BIO-RAD cyclers and others.

RealLine Cycler 48 or RealLine Cycler 96 (BIORON GmbH)

CFX96, iQ5 iCycler (Bio-Rad, USA)

DT96, DTLite (DNA-Technology, Russia)

Our kits are compatibel to other Real-Time cyclers. Please read the IFU properly and ask us for recommendations of device settings!

Additional information

Additional information

RealLine HSV-1/ HSV-2

Fla, Str
